Welcome to The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences CharĀter School!
Our Mission
The mission of The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School of Philadelphia (MCSCS) is to prepare its students for higher education opportunities and the workforce. MCSCS will provide a quality education to children and youth classified as academically at-risk. We believe that all children will learn and at high levels. We understand that children have varied learning styles, therefore, MCSCS will offer an alternative style and setting for children experiencing learning difficulties. We offer an advanced curriculum for first through twelfth grade, in a small class size (not to exceed 20 students) with a highly qualified team of certified teachers and full time assistant for children in grades 1 through 5. There is also support personnel and strong parental support. We provide a quality learning experience for our students in a safe, clean environment. Students are given the tools and skills to demonstrate mastery in mathematics, reading, and writing well above grade level. Students are also given skills to enhance their critical thinking, problem solving, social and creative thinking. Character education and self-esteem are a part of our curriculum, which give students the ability to have confidence, pride, make moral decisions and foster a positive attitude when dealing with any negative situations. MCSCS offer tutoring, free of charge, during the day and after school to all MCSCS students. The educational program at MCSCS adheres to The School District of Philadelphia's standards and The Pennsylvania State Department of Education. By state laws MCSCS must meet state requirements in Reading, mathematics and writing. In addition to our rigorous course work, students in first through twelfth grades are required to select a school-to-college course of study. The selections include Law, Medical, Computer Science, Education and Accounting Academies. The academies are staffed by professional lawyers, doctors, computer specialists, teachers and certified public accountants. The students attend the academies five days a week and they receive full credit for the course. Other required subjects offered are Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Reading, English, History, Mathematics, Civics, Social Studies, Spanish and Computer classes for every student.
We offer the following after school activities for all students, free of charge:
- Art club
- Boys & Girls JV & V Basketball team (9th & 12th grade only you must tryout)
- Book club/reading club
- Charm-modeling and social grace club
- Choir
- Chess club
- Computer club,
- Debate club
- Dance club
- Drama club
- Engineering
- Exercise club
- Graphic arts
- Law club
- Math club
- Newspaper club
- Pep squad
- Public speaking club
- Piano club
- Photography club
- Puzzle club
- Robotics club
- Sewing club
- Science club
- SAT Prep
- Student government
- Tennis club (spring)
- Violin club
- Writing club
- Yearbook club