Application Process
Who can apply to The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School?
MCSCS complies with all state regulations for admitting students, §17-1723-A of the Charter School Law (Act22).
Admission to the school is open to all eligible students who are residents within the limits of the City of Philadelphia and the state of Pennsylvania in grades 1 through 12.
MCSCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, ethnicity, mental or physical disability, proficiency in English, or prior academic achievement when recruiting or admitting students.
First Grade: Children applying for first grade must be six years of age by September 1st of the current year in order to be accepted into the school. If the child is not six by the deadline, families will be encouraged to re-apply for the following year.
When must I apply to MCSCS?
Enrollment is open from October 1, 2020 through May 28, 2021 for the 2020-2021 school year.
- You must complete the general application (available in English & Spanish). The form is also available at our location and on our website (
- Send the application (e-mail preferred) to between October 1, 2020 through May 28, 2021.
Or via fax to: 215-923-4859 to the attention of: Admissions
Or via mail to: The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School
ATTN: Admissions 447 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19123
If my child already attends MCSCS, do their siblings also have to apply through the lottery?
Families are important to us. We believe that having siblings attend the same school enriches their individual education experiences. We also recognize that it is convenient for parents/guardians to have their children at one school. For this reason, we give siblings preference in the enrollment process. A sibling is defined as a biological or legally adopted brother or sister living at the same address. Cousins, nieces, nephews and unrelated children sharing an address with the applicant are not considered siblings. To enter a sibling on the waiting list, you must fill out the Sibling Interest Form that is distributed in April to current students.MCSCS – Lottery Process
The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School holds an annual student lottery in order to enroll new students. The lottery will be held in June (June 4, 2021) of the school year prior to the September you wish your child to begin school. In order to be included in the lottery drawing you must submit a complete and accurate application by the application deadline. Any applications received after the lottery date will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist in the order received. The lottery drawing is used to fill available spaces for enrollment in grades 1-12. After the available spaces are filled, the remaining names go onto a waiting list that will be used to fill spaces if current students transfer out of MCSCS.Sibling preference: MCSCS and its families benefit from our keeping families together. For this reason, MCSCS offers an admissions sibling preference. A sibling is defined as a biological or legally adopted brother or sister who lives in the same household as the current MCSCS student. To receive sibling preference, parents or guardians must bring a completed sibling form to MCSCS during April of the year prior to the September you wish your child to begin school.
Waiting List: MCSCS maintains a waiting list for all grades. To make sure all children are treated fairly, we use the following process:
- Assign a number to each child that submitted an application before the lottery.
- Send you a postcard message before the lottery to tell you your child’s assigned lottery number and the date/time/location of the public lottery. While the lottery is a public event, you are not required to attend.
- Once the lottery is completed, you can see your child’s position on the waiting list by visiting our website ( or you can call our office at 215-923-4880.
- Enroll children into a class as space becomes available, starting with siblings of current MCSCS students and then children with the lowest waiting list number for each grade.
- Call your home to inform you of your child’s acceptance.
If your child is still interested in attending MCSCS, you must resubmit a completed application each fall for the upcoming school year.
What happens after I’ve been selected?
Once you have been notified of your child’s acceptance, you will need to contact us to confirm your enrollment and to receive the enrollment packet. You will then need to complete and submit the enrollment requirements. Once you formalize your enrollment, families will receive a “Welcome Packet” to be completed.