Student Progress Reports (report cards) will be issued on the following dates during 2015-2016.

Elementary Students (Grades 1-5)

First Progress Report Second Progress Report Final Progress Report
December 1, 2015 March 1, 2016 June 22, 2016
(P/T Conference – 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm) (P/T Conference – 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm) (Given to Students)
(P/T Conference – 4:00 pm -6:00 pm) (Given to Students)
(P/T Conference – 4:00 pm -6:00 pm) (Given to Students)

Senior High and Middle Students (Grades 6 – 12)

First Progress Report Second Progress Report Third Progress Report Final Progress Report
November 17, 2015 February 2, 2016 April 26, 2016 June 22, 2016
Report cards indicate grades received in each subject and include the number of days in attendance, behavior, work habits, and the teacher’s comments regarding the student.


Currently, the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA, is the Philadelphia School District’s primary measurement of student achievement.


Middle and high School students in grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 will be admitted into the building at 8:10 AM. School begins at 8:15 A.M. Elementary school students will be admitted in the building at 8:25 AM. School begins at 8:30 AM. A Before-and After-School Program is offered during the day from 7:00 A.M. until school begins, and after school from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 P.M.

On inclement days, pupils will be admitted to the lunchroom. Students should not arrive before 8:15 AM. Students entering the building and found roaming the halls will be subject to disciplinary action.

Dismissal time is 3:00 PM everyday unless a special dismissal note is sent home.


When inclement weather makes it necessary to close all Philadelphia public schools for a full day, MCSCS will also be closed. Every effort will be made to broadcast the information by 6:00 a.m. on KYW 1060, your AM dial, and TV Channels 3, 6 and 10.

If a developing storm leads to a decision to close all schools at noon, every effort will be made to broadcast the information on radio and television by 11:00 a.m. If schools should be closed during the afternoon, but before the regular dismissal time, every effort will be made to have the information broadcast by 1:00 p.m. Problems in a school relating to heating, air-conditioning, plumbing, vandalism or fire may also lead to a decision to close the school during the day. Parents and emergency contacts will be called by phone regarding school closing. Please discuss emergency plans with your child.

MCSCS has developed an emergency plan for emergencies and school closings. An essential part of the plan is the listing of emergency contacts for every pupil on roll. Every parent must provide the school with the name and phone number of a person to contact in case of an emergency school closing. The CAO, Principal or school personnel will remain in the school until every pupil is picked up. The school will also need the name(s) of person authorized to pick-up your child. Please make sure your child knows that person(s). The person must be listed in student’s file.


It is important that the name, address, home and work telephone number is up to date and accurate. If there is a change please notify the school. The person(s) you select as your emergency contact should be informed of these changes.


Regular attendance and punctuality are extremely important in the education of a child. To be in school every day and on time helps to build good work habits and directly affects pupil progress. Excessive absences and lateness will result in a meeting with our Board of Trustees and may result in a transfer to the student’s neighborhood school. All students are expected to attend school daily and to be on time.

If your child is ill and unable to attend school, please call the school (215-923-4880), a note from the parent or guardian is required upon return. Please notify our school nurse if your child is ill with a communicable disease, for example, chicken pox, T.B. or measles.

The principal will require from the parent of each student who has been absent from school a written statement of the reason for such absence. The principal reserves the right to verify such statements and to investigate the cause of each absence of more than three (3) days duration as well as repeated unexplained absence or tardiness. Please provide a note from a doctor to verify illness requiring a doctors care.

Lawful Absences

The parent must provide the Chief Administrative Officer with a written document when the child returns to school. The document must include student’s name, grade and section.

  • Death in immediate family – certified by family
  • Illness of child – certified by a medical doctor, dentist or licensed psychologist
  • An excused uncertified illness – parent note: acceptable certification for up to five (5) days, provided that the sum of days absent for uncertified illness and unlawful caused of absence does not exceed five (5)days.
  • Court summons – certified by Court.
  • Family trip – approval in advance by Chief Administrative Officer for a maximum of five (5) days per year.
  • Violent storms, rain, snow, wind, weather, or state of emergency
  • Work approved or sponsored by the school, the local school system or state education agency, accepted by the Chief Administrative Officer.
  • Observance of a religious holiday – certified by parent.
  • State emergency – certified by a state emergency alert, death of president, terrorist threat.
  • Other emergency or set of circumstances which, in the judgment of the Chief Administrative Officer or designee, constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence from school.
  • Suspension
  • Lack of authorized transportation. Shall not include student denied authorized transportation for disciplinary reasons.Consequences Unexcused Absences
  • After second (2nd) unexcused absence parent/guardian will be contacted using the automated telephone system. A letter will follow the telephone call.
  • After third (3rd) unexcused absence, parent/guardian will receive a letter outlining the ramification of consecutive unexcused abscesses. Counselor will follow-up to determine why student is not coming to school and make additional recommendations or referral, if needed.
  • Student is allowed up to three (3) unexcused abscesses per marking period. When a student exceeds this limit, the student’s name and contact information will be referred to the Board appointed Attendance Officer. Board will attempt to identify reason for absences and implement intervention.
  • When a student has more than four (4) unexcused absences per marking period the parent/guardian will be contacted for a mandatory meeting with a Board member. If a student is in violation of these policies upon implementation, the parents will be contacted to schedule a meeting with a Board member.
  • Repeated truancy violations may result in the student being placed on probation and lead to a student being referred to their neighborhood school.

Unlawful Absences

  • Truancy
  • Indifference of parents – lack of verification for absence
  • Indifference of student
  • Illness in family
  • Illegal employment

Every effort should be made to make up work missed as a result of illness or other excused absence. Work missed because of unexcused absence can lower academic marks. Students are responsible for making up work missed as a result of suspension or other disciplinary action.

Chronic absenteeism could result in referral to The Department of Human Services and Board of Trustees investigations, which may result in removal from The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School.


Good attendance is mandatory for academic success. If your child is late for school, he/she must report immediately upon arrival to the security desk, sign in and receive a pass to enter the classroom. Students are expected to be on time for class. Unexcused lateness which causes a student to miss all or a substantial part of a class period must be recorded as absent from class. The student is responsible for making up all missed work.

Consequences Persistent Lateness

  • If student is late more than two (2) days per week or four (4) days per month, parent/guardian will be contacted via telephone.
  • If student is late more than three (3) days per week or six (6) days per month, the parent/guardian will be contacted by Board Attendance Officer. Suggestions and/or intervention will be made as necessary.


Students who are absent from class without authorization while being in attendance on the day of that absence shall be referred to the principal’s office for cutting class. Any cuts in a course may result in suspension and a meeting with parent or guardian. Chronic cutting may result in failure.

If a student has numerous cuts in a class and has missed assignments and tests, the student’s Permanent Record shall indicate W (Withdrawn), depending on the student’s academic status in the course at the time the cut classes.


Special dismissals of students during the school day may be granted only by the principal or authorized representatives. Parents’ permission in writing with telephone number to confirm is required for early dismissal for a student.

When requesting an early dismissal parents must do the following:

  1. Send a note in with your child on the morning of the dismissal request
  2. Request must be made in writing and signed by the parent or guardian.
  1. There must be a telephone number, which can be called for verification.
  2. Early dismissals will not be issued over the telephone unless it is an extreme emergency, which can be verified.
  3. All students who have been issued early dismissals must sign-out in the main office before leaving the building.
  4. Parents must report to the office (do not go to your child’s classroom) and sign your child out of school at the appropriate time.
  5. If the child returns to school before the end of the school day, please report to the office and sign the child back in school.

No request will be granted unless it is verified.

The Board of Trustees will recognize other justifiable absences for part of the school day. These will include medical and dental appointments, court appearance, family emergency and other legitimate reasons as determined by the school principal. Whenever possible, appointments should be scheduled before or after school hours.


Upon request, we will make every effort to provide assignments for a child who is absent for more than two days. When an absence is anticipated, please let your child’s teacher know ahead of time so that you and your child’s teacher can work together to provide your child with his/her homework assignments during the absence.


The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School abides by the provisions of the Family Education Rights Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment) with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents.

  • In the absence of a court order to the contrary, this school will provide the non-custodial parent with access to the academic records and to other school related information regarding the child. A current address must be provided by the non-custodial parent.
  • If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official copy of the court order.
  • It is also the parents’ responsibility to inform the school of the addresses where the students’ records should be sent.
  • Divorced parents must provide the school with a court certified copy of the custody section of the divorce decree. If no such copy is on file, school officials will assume that both parents have custodial rights.
  • School officials will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that children are released only to the appropriate parent at the appropriate time according to the court mandated custody arrangements. However, the parent(s) must accept primary responsibility for such arrangements and should instruct their children as to which parent should have physical custody of them on any given day.


The Mathematics, Civics and Science Charter School has a mandatory uniform dress code for all students. The Board believes that appropriate dress and good grooming enhances school performance and future success. All students are required to be neat and well groomed each day. All uniforms must be neat and shirts must be tucked in skirt or slacks. No Dickie Pants with cargo pockets. Pants should not be worn below the waist. All pants must be hemmed, and belts worn (no big buckles). Skirts should be below the knee. No sneakers, ballerina shoes, clogs, or high heeled shoes due to safety concerns. No jewelry, bangles, necklaces or large earrings. Earrings are permitted for females only. Females are limited to earrings in the ear. Facial piercing of any kind are prohibited. Tongue rings/studs and tattoos are not permitted. All tattoos must be covered at all times while at school or while representing the school.

Parents will be contacted when there is a violation of the dress code. A second warning will result in a meeting with the Board of Trustees with a recommendation for expulsion from the school. If it is the third violation, the student will meet with the Hearing Officer and members of our Board and recommendation from the CAO for expulsion. NO EXCEPTIONS!

The items listed below can be purchased from Cramers Kids Uniforms located in the West Philly, South Philly or 4533 Frankford Ave. Please purchase skirts from Cramers Kids because skirts are longer.

Uniform Policy

  • All students are required to wear the school uniform consisting of the following:
  • Girls: *Navy Blue School Blazer with Logo (Middle & High School Students, grades 6 – 12) *Navy Skirts with two pleats in the front and the back only (at least two inches below the knee) *White oxford dress shirt (button collar)
    *Navy adjustable crisscross tie
    *Navy socks or stockings – (NO SHEER STOCKINGS)
  • Boys: *Navy Blue School Blazer with Logo (Middle & High School Students, grades 6 – 12)) *Navy dress slacks (NO DICKIE PANTS WITH CARGO POCKETS)
    PANTS MUST FIT NEATLY AND BELTS MUST BE WORN (NO BIG BUCKLES) *White oxford shirt (button collar)
    *Navy tie
  • Muslim students are asked to wear navy blue or black garb. Navy blue is our school color. THE FOLLOWING ARE NOT PERMITTED:
  1. All students are required to be neat and well groomed. The following grooming styles are considered outlandish and unacceptable. NO Mohawks, NO symbols or words cut in the hair, NO tattoos and NO body piercing.
  2. Unconventional colored or multi-colored hair is not permitted (i.e. colors other than natural hair colors, outlandish hairstyles, red, blond, green, blue, purple, pink, platinum, and or a mixture of the above). Notching of eyebrows is prohibited.
  3. During cold weather girls are advised to wear navy opaques, leggings or pants under their skirt. Boots and pants must be removed before going to class.
  4. Boys are not to wear T-Shirts with writing or pictures that can be seen under their white shirts.
  5. Jackets or coats are not to be worn in the school building; only navy blue sweaters or school blazers are permitted.
  6. Makeup must be worn only at a minimum (maintain a natural look).
  7. Do not wear excessive or expensive jewelry to avoid loss or theft. Do not wear color or large earrings, bangles, or necklaces. Small, gold, silver and post earrings are to be worn only.
  8. Scarves, hats and head wraps are not to be worn in the school building except for religious beliefs only.


All students should receive a textbook and other instructional material in every major subject in which a textbook is used. Major subjects are English, Math, Science and Social Studies. All textbooks may be taken home for use in completing homework assignments. All textbooks must be covered. Students are expected to take excellent care of textbooks and to return them to the school in good condition when asked to do so. Parents are responsible for damage or loss of textbooks and will be charged for the cost of replacement. Final report cards may be held until all books are returned.


Homework is an integral part of the educational program at MCSCS. It is recognized that all learning cannot be accomplished within the limited amount of time allotted for classroom instruction. Through homework, classroom instruction is reinforced, therefore, 15 minutes to 1 hour of homework is routinely assigned to students from Monday through Thursday. As the word implies, homework is to be completed outside the regular class period. Failure to submit homework will be reflected in the student’s grade. Hours of homework is not encouraged, teachers may assign students to read or write as an assignment.

The Role of the Student

The student has the responsibility to:

  1. Be responsible for having a copy of the assignments and making sure assignments are clearly understood.
  2. Take home necessary texts and materials.
  3. Complete assignments neatly and on time.
  4. Note any questions about homework to be asked in class.
  5. Return assignments and books to school when due.

The Role of the Parent

The school encourages the parent to:

  1. Provide a quiet place for student to study.
  2. Encourage the student to study at a regular time in the afternoon and/or evening.
  3. Check the student’s assignments each evening.
  4. Encourage independence in completion of assignments.
  5. Be available to assist in reinforcement of basic skills.
  6. Insure that homework assignments are secured during extended absences.
  7. Communicate with the school on a regular basis.
  8. Participate in the educational process.
  9. Attend meetings.
  10. Contact Principal or Chief Administrative Officer if there are any concerns with the school or teacher.


Academic marks are decided only by academic progress. Classroom participation, tests, homework and behavior are an important part of academic progress.


The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School` provides instructional programs and supportive services to all students who are eligible for the Special Education, and evaluation services to all students who are thought to be eligible. If you think your child may have a disability and may need Special Education services, request in writing that your child be given a Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation. Send your request to the CAO/Principal and keep a copy for yourself. MCSCS will prepare an evaluation plan and issue a form for you to sign giving permission to evaluate your child. The purpose of the evaluation is to find out whether your child needs Special Education and, if so, what type of program is needed.

A team, which must include, at minimum, a certified psychologist, your child’s teacher and you, must use a variety of tests or procedures to evaluate your child. All evaluations must be free of cost to the family. An observation of your child in class by a member of the team other than the teacher must also be made.


Free lunch will be offered to those students that meet state guidelines according to income. For those students that do not qualify for free lunch there will be a charge for lunch.


All students must be completely immunized or exempted before admission to any public, parochial, private or charter school in Pennsylvania. This is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Philadelphia County Board of Health and the School District of Philadelphia.

Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus: Four (4) or more properly spaced doses of DTP, DTaP, Td or DT, with one (1) dose administered on or after the fourth birthday.

Polio: Three (3) or more properly spaced doses of polio vaccine (IPV or OPV).

MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella):

  • Measles: Two (2) doses of vaccine, with the first dose administered at or after the first birthday or history of measles immunity.
  • Mumps: One (1) live attenuated dose at or after the first birthday
  • Rubella (German Measles): One (1) live attenuated dose at or after the first birthday Hepatitis B: Three (3) properly spaced doses of Hepatitis B vaccine, or a history of Hepatitis B immunity proved by laboratory testing.
  • Varicella (chicken Pox): Two (2) doses of varicella vaccine administered at 12 months of age or older, or a written statement from the parent, guardian or doctor stating the date when the child had the chicken pox disease.
  • Religious Exemptions – Pupils need not be immunized if the parent or guardian objects in writing to the immunization on religious/ethical grounds
  • Medical Exemptions – Pupils need not be immunized if a physician or his designee provides a written statement that immunization may be detrimental to the health of the child. When the physician determines that immunization is no longer detrimental to the health of the child, the medical exemption ceases to be valid and the child must be immunized.Tuberculosis Screening: All children need to be tested upon their entry into a school environment. If your child has been screened for TB upon entry to another school, we will need the date of the TB screening, and the results of the screening. Your child will not be enrolled in MCSCS unless documentation and results of the screening and proof of proper immunization are on file or unless valid excusal/objection in accordance with the Public School Code is obtained.

There are two exemptions:

In the event of an outbreak of a disease for which the child is exempt from the requirement to be immunized, that child will be excluded from school until a competent medical authority determines that the child may return.

Disposition of Immunization Records

When transferring from one school to another, the parent should request the Certificate of Immunization from the current school and take it to the new school. No pupil will be admitted to a new school without the certificate. The Certificate of Immunization shall go with the pupil when he/she transfers, graduates, withdraws or otherwise leaves the School District.


Our school nurse handles a variety of student medical concerns each day as well as maintaining medical records on each student. Please inform the nurse of any special health problems. When the school nurse is not in school, the principal may administer medication under the guidelines established by the Pennsylvania Health Services Commission.


If a child becomes ill during the school day, he/she will be given immediate attention. You will be called if your child is too ill to return to class. In case of injury, a student will be taken by the police to the nearest hospital emergency ward. Please advise your child that he/she should not personally call home if they feel ill or are injured but go to the main office. It is extremely important that the school have accurate emergency telephone numbers for your child(ren).


Children are not to bring any kind of medication to school or to self-administer any kind of medication. Should the occasion arise that a student must take medication during the school day, the medication must be prescribed by a physician and arrangements must be made through the nurse’s office. The physician must send written orders, which include: diagnosis, dosage, and the time to be given during the school day. All medications and prescriptions are to be brought in their original bottles to the nurse and kept in the health office. Over-the-counter drugs – including cough medicine, aspirin, etc. – must also be accompanied by a doctor’s note. If the need arises that you must administer the medication to your child personally during the school day, please go directly to the nurse’s office. Your child will be called to the nurse’s office to receive the medication. Medication cannot be dispersed at any other location. All medication will remain in a secure location. By exception, students who are asthmatic may carry a prescribed inhaler with them during the school day if proper forms are on file with the school nurse from the student’s medical provider or parent/guardian.


Free transportation, either by yellow school bus or tokens for SEPTA, is provided to eligible students based on certain criteria set by the School District of Philadelphia. A Student must:

  1. Be a resident of Philadelphia
  2. Be designated by the Division of Special Education as a participant in a Special Education class, and whose participation requires that transportation is needed to enable the student to get to school. If parents are experiencing financial problems please notify the school.
  3. Be in grades 1 through 6 and live one mile and a half, or further, from MCSCS in order to ride the bus.
  4. Be in grades 1 through 7 and whose route to MCSCS is determined to be hazardous by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in order to receive free tokens.

School Bus Rules

  1. Be at the bus stop on time.
  2. Wait for the bus in an orderly fashion in your assigned area.
  3. Take your seat immediately and remain seated while the bus is moving or when instructed to do so by the bus drive or attendant.
  4. Enter and leave the bus only at the front door and only after the bus has come to a full stop.
  5. Keep your head and arms inside the bus windows at all times.
  6. Do not throw objects on the bus or out of the window.
  7. No eating or drinking allowed on school buses.
  8. Avoid shouting and other loud noises.
  9. Leave the bus in a quiet and orderly manner.
  10. Be very careful when crossing streets, look both directions.
  11. Pay attention to the instructions of the bus driver and attendant.

The MCSCS Code of Conduct is in effect for student transport to and from school. Students who violate these rules will be prohibited from riding the bus for a period of time, or permanently. Students receive a series of 6 warnings with verbal and written notifications addressed to parents, before permanent removal from bus. In the event that a pupil is removed from a bus, it will be the responsibility of the parents to make provisions for transportation for the pupil to and from school. Tokens will be provided for one-day and one-week suspensions. If permanently removed due to continuous disruptive behavior student will lose all rights to free tokens. Parents are also reminded that under Pennsylvania State Statute (The Act of July 27, 1967, PL. 186, 11 P.S. 2001 et. e.g.) they may be fined up to $300 for any damage or vandalism caused by their children. Finally, parents may not ride on school buses.


Each student shall be required to salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance during each day’s opening exercises. If a student has conscientious objections, which interferes with full participation in the flag salute or Pledge of Allegiance or are children of accredited representatives of foreign governments to whom the United States government extends diplomatic immunity, the said student shall maintain a respectful attitude throughout the ceremony.


The educational value of a school trip and the safety of pupils are overriding considerations in approving a school trip. MCSCS is located in an area that has outstanding sites and historical places that will enrich the programs presented in the classrooms. Teachers are encouraged to take advantages of this wealth of knowledge.

All school trips must be approved by the CAO/Principal. A permission slip for a student to take the trip must be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the school prior to the trip. In some instances, transportation costs for school trips may need to be paid by parents. School personnel may never use their private vehicles to transport students on trips.

To assist in supervision, one adult for every ten pupils is required on school trips. Parents are asked to contribute towards these trips by volunteering as an escort to help supervise the children or when necessary, contribute towards the cost. Only designated chaperones, without younger siblings, are expected to accompany the class.


Fire drills are one of the most important drills that are held in a school because it can save lives. Students will participate in at least one fire drill per month. This drill is to prepare students and staff for any emergency that may arise which would require the building to be evacuated.

When the Fire Bell rings, get quiet and listen for directions from the teacher.

Teachers are to lead their class to the designated fire drill location.

There is to be no talking or playing during a fire drill.

Walk quickly, but do not run.

When the drill is over the students are to be led by their teacher back to class.

*Misbehavior during a fire drill is a very serious offense and is subject to discipline through MCSCS’s Code of Conduct.


The school telephones are not available for student use unless it is an emergency as determined by the school. Our goal is to help students develop more responsibility for gathering the necessary materials required daily for school prior to coming to school. Students will not be interrupted from their classrooms to receive telephone calls. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Board believes that the school should help students learn to respect property and develop feelings of pride in community institutions. The Board also recognizes the relationship between effective use of property and school financial solvency.

The Board charges each student with the responsibility for the proper care of school property and school textbooks, supplies, and equipment entrusted to his/her use.

Students who willfully cause damage to school property shall be subject to disciplinary measures. Students and others who damage or deface school property may be prosecuted and punished under the law. Parents and guardians of students shall be held accountable for student actions. The Board may report to the appropriate authorities any student whose damage of school property has been serious or chronic in nature.


Students and staff of The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School will have access to the school’s computer resources for instructional purposes. Use of the computer network is solely for the purpose of facilitating the exchange of information in furtherance of education and research. Student usage of any kind, including under a teacher’s username, is only permitted after student and parent/guardian sign-off on the Acceptable Use Policy adopted by the school.

The use of the school’s network is intended to extend learning and teaching. Network users are encouraged to develop uses which meet their individual learning and teaching needs and to take advantage of the network’s many useful functions, including World Wide Web, electronic mail and bulletin board resources.

The following uses of the network and associated activities are unacceptable and may result in suspension or revocation of network privileges: This policy also extends to home computer use and interaction with students enrolled at this school.

  1. Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
  2. Using obscene or inflammatory language
  3. Sending harassing or insulting messages
  4. Damaging computers, computer systems, or computer networks
  5. Violating copyright laws
  6. Using another’s password
  7. Trespassing in another’s folders, work, or files
  8. Intentionally wasting limited resources
  9. Employing the network for commercial purposes or financial gain
  10. Employing the network to provide addresses or other personal information that may be used inappropriately by someone else
  11. Employing the network for unethical or illegal solicitation
  12. Placing a computer virus on the network
  13. Employing the network to send/receive messages that are inconsistent with the school’s code of conduct

The inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state, and federal laws. Violations may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action. Violations can also lead to prosecution.


The Board of Trustees recognizes the importance of a safe school environment to the educational process of MCSCS. The Board has determined that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors that disrupt both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe environment, is prohibited at MCSCS. Because students learn by example, school administrators, faculty, staff and volunteers are directed to demonstrate appropriate behavior, treat others with respect and to refuse to tolerate bullying.

“Bullying” is defined as an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act, or a series of acts:

  1. directed at another student or students;
  2. which occurs in a “school setting” or outside of school and materially and substantially interferes with the educational process or program at the school as allowed by law;
  3. that is severe, persistent or pervasive; and
  4. that has the effect of doing any of the following:
    1. Substantially interfering with a student’s education;
    2. Creating a threatening environment; or
    3. Substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school; and

A “school setting” shall mean in the school, or on school grounds, on the school property, in school vehicles, at designated bus stops or at any activity sponsored, supervised or sanctioned by the school and any time spent necessarily traveling to and from these locations. Additionally, any student who’s out of school conduct materially and substantially interferes with the educational process in the school is also subject to this policy.

Students shall conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with their levels of development, maturity, and demonstrated capabilities with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students, school staff, volunteers and contractors.

All school employees are required to report alleged violations of this policy to the CAO or Principal. The CAO or Principal shall conduct a prompt, thorough, and complete investigation of each alleged incident. The investigation is to be completed within three school days after a report or complaint is made known to the CAO or Principal.

The Board prohibits any person from falsely accusing another of bullying. The consequences and appropriate remedial action for a student found to have falsely accused another of bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion.


The primary purpose of a school is to educate its students. Education cannot occur where one or a few students disrupt the classroom or create a situation where students, staff or guests feel unsafe.

In order to maintain the order necessary to run a school program, MCSCS, in conjunction with the Philadelphia School District has established a Code of Student Conduct, which sets forth 13 common sense rules, which students must obey. These rules are in addition to the laws of the United States and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which prohibit everyone from engaging in unsafe acts.

This code is broken down into three levels. The purpose of these levels is to ensure that fair and even disciplinary action is taken for similar violations, and that students are not overly penalized for lesser offenses and to ensure that sufficient action is taken in serious cases.

Most importantly, these rules inform students of the action they will face for disciplinary infractions before they commit them.

Any conduct in violation of a criminal statute or ordinance will also be deemed to be a violation of the code of Student Conduct and subject to appropriate discipline, in addition to arrest.

Individual schools may make additional rules so long as they are necessary and reasonable and the students are informed of them.

The section that follows includes the Code of Student Conduct and the disciplinary procedures which apply to the different levels of action. You may inspect the complete text of both in the School Operations Manual, Sections 118 through 119. A copy of this manual is in your school office.


  1. These rules apply not only to a student who breaks them or attempts to break them, but also to any student who encourages or assists anyone else in breaking the rules.
  2. The rules apply:
    a. during school hours in any program, building or on school ground:
    b. on school grounds prior to the start of the school day and following dismissal:
    c. traveling to and from school, including actions on school vehicles or public transportation. d. off school grounds during any school trip, activity, event or function.
    e. off school grounds when the conduct may reasonably be expected to undermine the

proper disciplinary authority of the school or result in disruption within the school.

  • Self defense will only apply where the student’s action was necessary to prevent injury to him/herself or to another and the force used was not more than that which was necessary to all escape or prevent harm. Under law you have a duty to retreat from a possible assault if you can. Under no circumstances,except a clear threat to life, will the use of a weapon capable of causing serious injury be justified.


Level I – Misbehavior Rules

Rule One – A student shall not by use of violence, force, noise, threats, intimidation, fear, passive resistance or any other intentional or reckless action, disrupt or interfere with any school function, mission or program.

Rule Two – A student shall not use profane, obscene, libelous, intentionally disruptive or offensive language in any school activity, or on any bulletin board, flyer or notice or through the public address systems.

Rule Three – A student shall not recklessly or intentionally cause or attempt to cause damage to, or deface, school property, or attempt to steal school property. Serious damage, defacement or theft will be treated as an aggravated offense under Rule Thirteen.

Rule Four – A student shall not steal, attempt to steal, damage, deface or attempt to damage or deface, the private property of others.

Rule Five – A student shall not recklessly engage in conduct which may place a member of the school community in danger of injury, nor shall student attempt, by physical menace or threat, to put a member of the school community in fear of bodily injury.

Rule Six – A student shall not recklessly or intentionally do or attempt to do bodily injury to any student, visitor or any other person.

Rule Seven – A student may not possess, use or be under the influence of any non-prescription narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, steroid, growth hormone, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind, nor shall a student use any kind of tobacco product. Any prescription drug from a registered physician and carried in its Rx label container is not a violation of this rule.

Approved Corrective Action – Level One

For any violation of a Level 1 offense a student will face one or more of the following corrective actions: a. loss of privileges, including graduation ceremonies, dances and other extracurricular activities such as athletic participation:

  1. notice to parents;
  2. placement on daily report;
  3. student reporting to principal;
  4. temporary assignment to discipline or “cooling off” place;
  5. detention;
  6. temporary assignment to restrictive class setting;
  7. reassignment to another class;
  8. referral to counselor or substance abuse program;
  9. suspension for from one to five days;
  10. referral to a substance abuse program or counselor (SAP team) on all violations of Rule Seven

is required.

Level II Misbehavior

Rule Eight – No student shall engage in verbal or physical activity which he/she should reasonably expect, considering factors including his/her age and mental development to have the effect of harassing any student, staff member, or school visitor. Harassment, for the purpose of this rule, includes a course of conduct including, or a single aggravated incident involving: a) unwelcome sexual advances, propositions or sexual comments such as sexually-oriented gestures, sounds, remarks or comments about a student, staff member or visitor’s sexuality or sexual experience; or b) offensive expressions concerning a person’s race, religion, disability or national origin. (See Rules 10 & 13d for offenses involving criminal sexual contact.)

Rule Nine – A student shall not repeatedly violate Rules One through Eight or any other reasonable direction of authorized school personnel.

Rule Ten – A student shall not touch any other person or encourage another person to touch them in intimate or sensual parts of the body, nor shall a student expose his/her genitals in circumstances likely to cause affront or alarm to others.

Rule Eleven – A student shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause physical injury to any school employee. (See Rule Five for reckless conduct and Rule Thirteen for Assaults, which may result in serious injury).

Approved Corrective Action – Level II

  1. suspension
  2. referral to alternative placement center for diagnostic services; c. expulsion where student is already in a disciplinary school.

Level III – Misbehavior

Rule Twelve – A student shall not possess (on their person, in their belongings) or in any storage space provided by the school, any tool, instrument, implement or weapon capable of causing serious injury or death, including but not limited to firearms, knives, razors, stun guns, BB guns, starter pistols, explosives or devices which may cause a fire. (See Rule Thirteen for attempted use of this type of weapon.)

Rule Thirteen – A Student shall not engage in or attempt to engage in any conduct, which endangers the health, safety or welfare of any member of the school community, including but not limited to:

  1. attacking any staff member which results in injury, or places the person in danger of serious injury or involves the use or attempted use of a weapon (including mace or pepper spray); b. selling or distributing any of the substances set forth in Rule Seven (drugs, alcohol, tobacco) or possessing these items in sufficiently large quantities or under circumstances which would indicate that they are not for personal uses;
  2. setting fire to any person or property;
  3. rape or have intercourse, voluntarily or involuntarily;
  4. rob, steal or force someone to give money or property;
  5. assault on another student or other non-employee which results in serious injury or involves

the use or attempted use of a weapon (including mace or pepper spray);

  1. damage to school property which disrupts or prevents the school from carrying out any of its program;
  2. retaliation against a school employee, witness or hearing officer for their participation in any investigation, academic or disciplinary proceeding where the student’s action takes the form of assault, threats of bodily injury or death, telephone harassment or stalking, or substantial property damage.

Approved Corrective Action – Level III

  1. Expulsion from The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School of Philadelphia, Inc.

Note: Act 26 of 1995 as amended in June, 1997, requires all school districts and school organizations to expel for a period of not less than one school year any student who is found to have brought a weapon onto school property, to any school-sponsored activity, or onto any public conveyance providing transportation to a school or a school-sponsored activity. The Act states a weapon ” shall include but not be limited to any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, nunchaku, firearm, shotgun, rifle and any other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury.” The Act 26 requires school officials to notify the police whenever they discover a weapon covered by the Act. The Act also strips principals and intermediate level administrators of any discretionary authority for referring students of all ages for expulsion. The Superintendent does have discretion to review – on a case-by-case basis- recommendations from principals and other for alternative placements short of an expulsion. Students involved in higher levels of discipline will be informed of their rights at the time if such proceedings are instituted.

Due Process Proceedings

Under the guidelines established by the Supreme Court of the United States, varying levels of due process must be afforded to each student facing disciplinary action. The more serious the proposed action, the more extensive the due process, ranging from the minimal standards for suspension to the extensive standards for expulsion. The Board has mandated the following process in the MCSCS disciplinary policy.

  1. First Suspension – Written notification which requires a parent conference with the principal or CAO. 16
  1. Second Suspension – Written notification which requires another parent conference with the principal or CAO and a pre-hearing with a member of the Board of Trustees.
  2. Third Suspension – A meeting with the Board of Trustees with a recommendation to of expulsion from the school.

Please take every phone call or suspension seriously; they may result in a transfer or expulsion. Again, the school is responsible for student behavior when students leave home in the morning, until they return home in the afternoon. Therefore, it is imperative that all school policies are followed during the school day and during their travel to and from school.


The Board recognizes that exclusion from the educational program of the schools, whether by suspension or expulsion, is the most severe sanction that can be imposed on a student and one that cannot be imposed without due process. The Board may, after a proper hearing, suspend a child from such time, as it deems necessary or may permanently expel him/her.

Suspension (Exclusion from School)

The CAO/Principal or his/her designee may suspend any pupil for disobedience or misconduct for a period of one (1) to ten (10) consecutive school days and shall report the suspension to the Board as soon as possible thereafter.

No student may be suspended without notice of the reasons for which he/she is suspended and an opportunity to be heard on his/her own behalf before the school official who holds the authority to reinstate him/her. If a student leaves the building or refuses to cooperate with the school official he/she forfeits the right to be heard. The MCSCS Suspension Policy is to encourage students not to fight. MCSCS will suspend the child that hits first. Parents or guardians are to be informed immediately of all suspensions. Written notice of the suspension is to be mailed to the parent by first class mail on the day action is taken. The letter shall set out the reason for the suspension, the number of days of suspension, the reinstatement date and the date, time and place for a conference with the parent. Parents will be notified by phone for one (1) day suspensions. The CAO/Principal/designee upon the student’s return to school shall hold a parent conference.

When the suspension exceeds three (3) school days, the student and parent(s)/guardian will be given the opportunity for an informal hearing with the designated school official. At the hearing, the parents may question the staff witnesses and may produce witnesses on the student’s behalf. Such hearing shall take pace as soon as possible after the suspension except that, when extraordinary circumstances involving the health and safety of the student or others in the school require immediate exclusion, the hearing may be delayed to such time as circumstances permit.

The CAO/Principal may suspend a student up to ten (10) school days following a hearing.

Upon returning the student is responsible for and must be given the opportunity to make up missed assignments and tests. Due process procedures related to lateral transfers and expulsions are outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.


The Board of Trustees may either expel for a period exceeding ten (10) school days or may permanently expel from the rolls any student whose misconduct and disobedience is such as to warrant this sanction. No student shall be expelled without an opportunity for a formal hearing before the Board or before a duly authorized committee of the board, and upon action taken by the Board after the hearing.

If it is determined after an informal hearing that a student’s presence in his/her normal class would constitute a threat to the health, safety, morals, or welfare of others and it is not possible to hold a formal hearing within the period of a suspension, the student may be excluded from school for more than ten (10) school days, if the formal hearing is not unreasonably delayed. Any student so excluded shall be provided with alternative education, which may include home study.

The student under seventeen (17) years of age who is expelled has forfeited his/her right to an education in The Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School during the term of the expulsion but has not been excused from compliance with the compulsory attendance statute.

Parents or guardians who are unable to provide an education for their child shall submit written statement within thirty (30) days that they are unable to do so. The school shall then make provisions for the student’s education. If thirty (30) days pass without satisfactory evidence that the required education is being provided to the student, the school shall re-contact the parent and make provisions for the student’s education.

If the approved educational program is not complied with, the school may take action to ensure that that the student will receive a proper education.

Grades cannot be lowered as a result of work missed while the student is on suspension. The student must be given the opportunity to make up the missed work.


Students suspended for a period of time longer than three (3) days shall be afforded an informal hearing. Delay of such hearing shall not operate to delay return to school.

The Board requires that each hearing shall be closed to the public; but should the student and/or his/her parents likely to be affected by its outcome agree, the hearing may be held publicly.

Each suspended student involved in a formal hearing shall be restored to a regular educational program pending the outcome of the hearing, except when, in the opinion of the CAO/Principal/designee, the presence of the student in school poses a danger to him/herself or others as to warrant continued absence.

The formal hearing shall observe the due process requirements of notification of the charges in writing, by certified mail, to the student or the student’s parents or guardian; notice of the time and place of the hearing; that the hearing shall be private unless the student or parent requests a public hearing; the right to representation by counsel; the disclosure of the names of witnesses and the testimony they have made; the right to testify and present witnesses on the student’s behalf; the hearing shall be held with all reasonable speed; recordation of the proceedings and a copy of the transcript at the student’s expense.

The CAO/Principal/designee shall develop rules and regulations to implement this policy that shall include:

  1. Publication of standards in accordance with Board of Trustee policy on student discipline.
  2. Procedures that ensure due process in the deprivation of a student’s right to attend school and comply with this policy.
  3. Procedures for periodic case review of expelled pupils.

The name of the student under eighteen (18) years of age whose conduct has been disciplined shall not become part of the agenda or minutes of a public meeting, nor part of any public record of the Board; but such students may be designated by code.

An effective instructional program requires an orderly environment in which students and employees know and abide by reasonable standards of socially acceptable behavior and respect the rights, person and property of others. All students in the school are entitled to share in its educational and related programs to the extent of their abilities without regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion or handicap. Every student is expected to behave at school and in school-related activities in accordance with public laws, school rules and lawful directions of assigned staff, and to deal fairly and courteously with fellow students, staff and the public.

Staff members of this Board having authority over students shall have the authority to take such reasonable actions as may be necessary to control the disorderly conduct of students in all situations and in all places where such students are within the jurisdiction of this Board and when such conduct interferes with the educational program of the school or threatens the health and safety of others.

The Board prohibits the use of corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure. Corporal punishment shall be defined as punishment applied to the body of the offender.


In order to create an environment for positive student development and achievement that enhances learning and leads to success in school, we have established a number of Expectations for Student Behavior. These expectations may be divided into two categories – those that apply to academic endeavor and those that apply to student behavior. Compliance with these expectations will foster positive and productive behavior that will enable the student to fulfill his/her own potential. In the area of student behavior, failure to comply with these expectations may result in disciplinary action being taken against the student.

Demonstrate respect for people and property

  1. Students are honest, courteous and polite.
  2. Students respond courteously to instructions and/or requests from staff members.
  3. Students respect school property and the property of others.
  4. Students accept the rights of others to their opinion.
  5. Students settle differences peacefully.
  6. Students use appropriate language at all times.
  7. Students display good sportsmanship at school-related functions.
  8. Students participate in the maintenance and cleanliness of school facilities and property.
  9. Take responsibility for their own behavior and learning
  10. Students come to school prepared to learn.
  11. Students recognize that schoolwork and academic development is the primary purpose.
  12. Students complete all homework, class work and exams.
  13. Students make personal choices based on reasonable decision-making processes.
  14. Students accept constructive criticism and disagreement when necessary and appropriate.
  15. Students comply with all school rules.
  16. Students accept the consequences of their actions.

Use time and other resources responsibly

  1. Students attend school regularly and punctually.
  2. Students attend all classes regularly and punctually.
  3. Students use books and other equipment appropriately.

Share responsibilities when working as members of a group

  1. Students cooperate, contribute and share the work of the group.
  2. Students accept and assume leadership when appropriate.
  3. Students listen to the points of view of others.

Meet the unique requirements of each class

  1. Students participate actively in class work.
  2. Students follow class rules and procedures.
  3. Students bring to class textbooks, clothing, and other materials necessary for participation.
  4. Students observe rules for safe handling of class equipment and materials.


The Board of Trustees requires equal educational opportunity for all students enrolled in the educational programs and activities of the school, including, but not limited to: course offerings, athletic programs, guidance and counseling, and tests and procedures, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, social or economic status, parenthood, marital status or handicap.

The school shall promote a learning environment that encourages fulfillment of each student’s potential in regard to his/her program, consistent with school goals and with equal opportunities for students.

Similarly, students shall respect the rights of other students to receive an education in an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and free from discriminatory practices. No student, therefore, shall have the right to abridge another student’s rights.


All students shall have the right to a learning environment that is free of intimidation, harassment, and hostility. The forms of prohibited harassment may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Verbal harassment, such as derogatory comments, jokes, slurs, or threats;
  2. Physical harassment, such as unnecessary or offensive touching, or impeding or blocking movement; and
  3. Visual harassment, such as derogatory or offensive posters, cards, cartoons, graffiti, drawings, gestures, or symbols.

Any individual who is found to be responsible for harassment or other prohibited discriminatory conduct shall be subject to appropriate discipline. The severity of the disciplinary action will be based upon the circumstances of the infraction, and may result, among other things, in suspension or expulsion.


The school recognizes that harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of both federal and state discrimination laws and that these laws apply to employees and students. The school will provide a learning environment free from sexual harassment and will not tolerate such conduct on the part of any student.


  1. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
    1. Submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of an individual’s education.
    2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting such an individual; or
    3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive education environment.
  2. Forms of sexual harassment include but are not limited to the following:
    1. Verbal harassment, such as derogatory comments, jokes, or slurs, sexually-oriented sounds or remarks;
    2. Physical harassment, such as unnecessary or offensive touching, pinching, patting, grabbing, brushing against another person’s body, or impeding or blocking movement; and
    3. Visual harassment, such as derogatory or offensive pictures, posters, cards, cartoons, graffiti, drawings, or gestures.


If comments, gestures, or actions from any employee or student, including teachers, supervisors or members of management, are perceived to be offensive a complaint should be filed with the CAO, principal or the immediate supervisor.

The CAO, principal or the supervisor will promptly investigate any complaints of sexual harassment, and will take appropriate corrective action when deemed necessary. No individual will suffer reprisals for reporting any incidents of sexual harassment or making any complaints.

Any individual who is found to be responsible for sexual harassment will be subject to appropriate discipline; the severity of the disciplinary action will be based upon the circumstances of the infraction and could include termination of employment, suspension or expulsion from school.


Any pupil found engaging in any of the prohibited activities will be subject to suspension and/or exclusion from school pursuant to existing laws of the Commonwealth (ACT 26). ACT 26 can be found on page 15.

The Board of Trustees prohibits the possession and/or use of firearms, weapons, deadly weapons or dangerous instruments on school property, on a school vehicle, at any school function, or while en route to or from school, or any school function.

The principal shall make the final determination that a particular object is a dangerous instrument in any case where there is a question.

A student found or observed on any school property, on a school vehicle or at a school-sponsored event in possession of a firearm, weapon, deadly weapon or dangerous instrument shall be reported to the principal/designee immediately. The principal/designee shall immediately inform law enforcement officials. The school administrator reporting the incident to the police shall provide the law enforcement officials with all known information concerning the matter, including the identity of the pupil involved and notices that a violation of the Criminal Code may have occurred.


A student may be suspended or expelled if the student commits an assault against a teacher, administrator, board member, or other employee who is acting within his/her duties and in a situation where his authority to act is apparent, or as a result of his/her relationship with the school.


The Board of Trustees recognizes that substance abuse and the misuse of alcohol are serious social problems that have far-reaching implications for both the user and the entire community. The Board is committed to the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse and accepts the responsibility for instructing pupils in the nature of these substances.

The use, possession, sale or distribution, or possession with intent to sell or distribute any substance* (a) on school property, (b) at any place where an interscholastic and/or athletic contest is taking place, (c) during the course of any field trip, (d) during the course of any trip or activity sponsored by the Board of Trustees or under the supervision of the Board or its authorized agents, or (e) upon school transportation vehicles at any time is prohibited, as well as (f) the use of any substances prior to participation in the activities listed in (a) – (e) above is prohibited.

Use, by the student, in proper amounts, of a drug authorized by a medical prescription for the student from a licensed physician shall not be considered a violation of this rule.

Likewise, no pupil shall aid, abet, assist or conceal the possession, consumption, purchase or distribution of any substance by any other pupil or pupils (a) on school property, (b) at any place where an interscholastic athletic contest is taking place, (c) during the course of any field trip, (d) during the course of any trip or activity sponsored by the Board under the supervision of the Board or its authorized agents, or (e) upon school transportation vehicles at any time.

Any pupil found engaging in any of the foregoing prohibited activities will be subject to suspension or expulsion from school pursuant to existing administrative procedures for the discipline of school pupils and any other applicable provisions of the law.

*Definition: For the purpose of this policy, “substance” shall mean alcoholic beverages, anabolic steroids, controlled dangerous substances as defined in Section 2 of P.L. 1970, c. 266 (C.24: 21-2) or any chemical or chemical compound which releases vapors or fumes causing a condition of intoxication, inebriation, excitement, stupefaction or dulling of the brain or nervous system including, but not limited to, glue containing a solvent having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes as defined in Section 1 of P.L. 1965, c. 41 (C.2A: 170- 25:9), and any prescription drugs except those for which permission for use in school has been granted. (Refer to the school policy on the use of medications.)


The Board recognizes that smoking presents a health hazard, which can have serious consequences, both for the smoker and the nonsmoker and is, therefore, of concern to the Board. Smoking will not be permitted anywhere in the school.

The use of tobacco is defined as the possession and/or use of any cigarette, pipe, cigar, chewing tobacco, snuff or related tobacco product and/or paraphernalia. Smoking means the burning of a lighted cigarette, pipe, cigar, or any other matter of material that contains tobacco.

Students shall not use or possess any product containing tobacco while on school property or at a school- sponsored event. School functions shall be defined as (a) on school property (b) at any place where an interscholastic and/or athletic contest is taking place; (c) during the course of any field trip; (d) during the course of any trip or activity sponsored by the Board of Trustees or its authorized agents; or (e) upon school transportation vehicles at any time.


For the safety of the entire school community any student or school visitor is subject to having his/her person scanned, and/or his/her personal belongings inspected upon entrance to any school building, program or conveyance.

All lockers, locks, desks or storage compartments are and shall remain the property of the school.

The Board reserves the right to authorize administration and security to inspect a student’s locker, desk and other storage areas at any time when such employee has reason to believe that the storage area is improperly used for the holding of contraband, a substance or object the possession of which is illegal, or any material which poses a hazard to the safety, sanitation and good order of the school.

In the presence of another person a student’s person and possessions may be searched by the school CAO, principal or his/her representative provided that the individual has reasonable grounds to suspect that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. Students do not have the right to be present during such searches.


The use of electronic devices by school personnel where supportive of the general welfare and the instructional program of the school is endorsed. The use of cell phones, and other electronic devices by students has been found to be disruptive. Therefore, the use of electronic devices by students on school premises is prohibited. MCSCS is not responsible for loss or theft.

The Board of Trustees authorizes the school principal to develop and enforce regulations to prohibit use of electronic devices by students. Such regulations shall include:

  1. Confiscation of device whose use has not been approved by the principal
  2. Investigation of the incident by the principal who maya. Return to the parent
    b. Suspend the student
    c. Other appropriate action

Other items such as cans, glass bottles, felt tip pens, markers or spray paints are also prohibited.


Parent/teacher communication is vital to the educational success and experience of your child. Together we form a team, which focuses on your child’s needs, concerns, and growth. We invite you to participate in the process by your inquiries. We will also communicate with you through the following:

  • Scheduled parent teacher conferences
  • Progress reports
  • Report cards (three times a year)
  • Interim reports
  • Quarterly newsletter
  • Notes or telephone calls to parents

Parent Committee meetings – Teachers are required to contact parents/guardians by phone to discuss any concerns. After two calls the teacher/staff member must report their concerns to Mrs. Joyner, CAO. Please do not hesitate to contact the school or classroom teacher with questions you may have.


In order to maintain safety for all of our students, and to protect valuable instructional time, all visitors must report directly to the office. No one is permitted in the school without authorization from an administrator and must be escorted by security.


Parent volunteers participating in the classroom must receive approval of CAO first due to safety concerns. Parents are required to have a child abuse and criminal background clearance. A visitor’s pass must be obtained from the office before a parent or other visitors enter the classroom.


You will be invited to join our parent committee to enhance school life.


MCSCS supports the policy of the Board of Education of the School District of Philadelphia that all of its employees are to be aware of, and comply with, the Child Protective Services Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This law makes it mandatory for MCSCS employees to report suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect to the principal or building administrator, who must file a report with the Department of Human Services. Compliance with the laws of Pennsylvania and the policies of the School District will serve to protect everyone concerned.