

Conscious Discipline Summer Institute

[stm_event_info] Nothing can compare to attending an official Conscious Discipline event! The connections you make, the information you learn and the changes you experience at a live event are truly transformational! LocationEvent targetLocation It revolutionizes the classroom approach to social-emotional learning by addressing the adult's skill set and internal states first, and then empowering the [...]

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5-day “Critical Friends” Advanced Group Training

[stm_event_info] Critical Friends Groups (CFGs) are the product of a simple idea; providing deliberate time and structures to promote adult professional growth that is directly linked to student learning. CFG’s provide educators and schools with specific tools, structures, and resources to support safe and effective collaborative learning linked to classroom practice. Don't get your "Critical"

5-day “Critical Friends” Advanced Group Training Read More »


Loyola University Chicago Advanced Placement Summer

[stm_event_info] Loyola University Chicago's (Loyola Chicago) Academic calendar is structured using the policy established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Colleges and Schools: Arts and Sciences, College of Business, Quinlan School of Communication, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, School of Education, School of The Graduate School Law, School of Medicine, Stritch School of

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Adventure Curriculum for Physical Education workshop

[stm_event_info] Physical Education Workshop promotes interest in professional advancement for Physical Educators at the Elementary and Secondary levels. Through a comprehensive curriculum, the workshop provides opportunities for professional development in the areas of Physical Education, Health, Recreation and Dance. Cal Poly Cal Poly is a nationally ranked, four-year, comprehensive public university located in San Luis

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